This week I used the same schedule as the past two weeks, expect I replaced all studies of photos, with studies of the work of cartoonist Al Capp. I studied from The Short Life and Happy Times of the Shmoo a book of Lil' Abner dailies from Life magazine 1948 to 1959. I love Al Capp's line style. He has great economy of line. He suggests form very well without shading or hatching. He is great at capturing expression and emotion in the faces and hands. I definitely learned alot from studies the way we rendered faces. Cartoon Gesture - Al Capp Studies -Originals -
The schedule this week is a combination of the exercises from the previous weeks. I have felt an immediate improvement in my skills, from these past studies. In this, schedule I applied the structure breakdown technique to creating figures from imagination. The purpose of the structure studies from the beginning was to be able to constantly draw realistic figures from imagination. I think its working. Also, from this weeks cartoon gesture, I studied the work of cartoonists such as Al Capp, and Robert Crumb.Cartoon Gesture Studies from PhotoStudies from Imagination.